Stand with Pavel Durov!

Pavel Durov, a passionate libertarian and digital rights advocate, is facing imprisonment for defending your right to privacy. He created Telegram, a secure messaging app that protects users from unwarranted surveillance. Now, because he refused to hand over the app’s encryption keys to secret forces, he has been jailed.

Join Us in Defending Freedom of Speech

This website is dedicated to supporting Pavel Durov and raising awareness about the vital importance of freedom of speech in the digital age. Learn more about his story, the significance of his work, and how you can help.

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image from Telegram founder Pavel Durov shares life advice for young people

Telegram founder Pavel Durov shares life advice for young people

On October 23, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, shared valuable advice for young people aspiring to achieve success. In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Durov highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making conscious choices. Durov, who has abstained from alcohol for nearly 20 years, stressed how alcohol can negatively affect one’s life and long-term success. He explained that alcohol not only clouds judgment temporarily but can also lead to prolonged suffering.
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image from Wishing Pavel Durov a Happy Birthday!

Wishing Pavel Durov a Happy Birthday!

Today, we celebrate Pavel Durov, the visionary founder of Telegram, whose years of dedication and hard work have provided hundreds of millions of people worldwide with a secure and efficient platform to communicate and create content. Thanks to Telegram, people can bring the latest top news from around the world without barriers. Telegram stands as a testament to how one individual with strong principles can challenge the influence of governments and make a significant impact.
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image from Telegram Expands Complaint Options with New Categories, Including ‘Don't Like’ and 'Should Be Removed'

Telegram Expands Complaint Options with New Categories, Including ‘Don't Like’ and 'Should Be Removed'

In a move to enhance content moderation, Telegram, the messaging platform founded by Pavel Durov, has introduced new reasons for reporting content in channels and group chats. Previously, users could only report content under seven categories: spam, violence, pornography, child exploitation, copyright infringement, personal data violations, and “other.” Now, additional categories have been added, including “don’t like,” “doesn’t break the law but should be removed,” terrorism, illegal goods, and child abuse.
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image from Pavel Durov reveals personal tragedy following detention in France

Pavel Durov reveals personal tragedy following detention in France

In a heart-wrenching statement, Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, shared that his girlfriend, Yulia Vavilova, tragically lost their baby after being interrogated by French authorities. The couple recounted the events that unfolded following Durov’s arrest in France. After landing in France, Yulia had her tech devices confiscated and was unable to respond to the online negativity that surfaced. Already feeling unwell, she took a pregnancy test, which confirmed she was expecting.
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image from Pavel Durov Reveals He Earns Just 1 Dirham Annually During Interrogation – Le Monde

Pavel Durov Reveals He Earns Just 1 Dirham Annually During Interrogation – Le Monde

Pavel Durov Reveals He Earns Just 1 Dirham Annually During Interrogation – Le Monde During a recent interrogation, Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, surprised French investigators by revealing that he earns just 1 Emirati dirham (around 25 cents) annually. According to Le Monde, the statement left investigators “baffled” when they questioned him about his income. The report also claims that the Paris prosecutor’s office initially requested a bail of €20 million for the owner of Telegram, but the court eventually reduced the amount to €5 million.
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image from Telegram tightens privacy policy under pressure from french authorities

Telegram tightens privacy policy under pressure from french authorities

In response to mounting pressure from French authorities, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, announced changes to the messenger’s privacy policy. In a recent Telegram message, Durov revealed that his team had removed all “illegal content” from the app’s search results using advanced neural networks. He emphasized that Telegram would cooperate with law enforcement by providing the data of users who violate the platform’s terms in response to a “reasonable request.
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Telegram Expands Cooperation with International Law Enforcement Following Pavel Durov’s Detention – Reports Le Figaro

Telegram Enhances Cooperation with French Law Enforcement Following Pavel Durov's Detention – Reports Liberation

Pavel Durov's Arrest: A Blow to Digital Freedom and the Future of Telegram

Paris Prosecutor Labels Pavel Durov's Case ‘Exemplary’ in Cybercrime Fight

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