American journalist Tucker Carlson has strongly criticized the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France, describing it as a “hallmark of dictatorship.” Carlson’s remarks came during an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently announced the suspension of his campaign as an independent candidate for the U.S. presidency.
Was the Biden administration involved in the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov? Mike Benz explains.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 28, 2024
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Durov was detained in Paris last week as part of a broader investigation into alleged cybercrimes linked to his encrypted messaging platform, Telegram. The platform, known for its strong stance on user privacy, has consistently refused to share user data with law enforcement, a policy that Durov claims has drawn the ire of intelligence agencies worldwide.
In the interview, Kennedy emphasized the importance of the First Amendment, which protects free speech in the U.S., arguing that it should also cover “misinformation” and unpopular opinions. Carlson responded by criticizing the Biden administration’s approach to handling dissent, claiming it views any criticism as “misinformation.”
Carlson further alleged that the U.S. administration encouraged French President Emmanuel Macron to arrest Durov, stating, “that’s the hallmark of dictatorship.” Kennedy echoed these concerns, lamenting the loss of free speech in Europe, stating, “Europe now does not have free speech.”
Kennedy also compared Durov to Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly Twitter), criticizing the Democratic Party for turning against figures who support free speech. “Elon Musk should be the hero of the Democratic Party,” Kennedy said, noting that Musk’s commitment to free speech on his platform has made him a target.
Russia’s top human rights official, Tatyana Moskalkova, also condemned Durov’s arrest, calling it a blow to free speech and accusing authorities of trying to shut down Telegram, a platform she described as a source of truth.
Telegram’s official statement on Durov’s arrest emphasized that the platform complies with EU laws and that its content moderation policies are aligned with industry standards.