After the recent arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the platform has reportedly increased its cooperation with French law enforcement, according to a report by Liberation. The social network, previously known for resisting legal requests, has now become more responsive to inquiries, particularly those involving investigations into child exploitation.
Since Durov’s detention in France, Telegram has begun complying with requests from the Office of Minors (Ofmin), which is leading the investigation. Although it remains unclear what specific data has been shared, reports suggest that the information will help de-anonymize several user accounts.
Despite this shift, the platform is still viewed as resistant by some, with Liberation noting that Telegram has yet to issue the transparency reports that companies like Meta publish regularly, detailing their cooperation with law enforcement.
Earlier, the Paris prosecutor labeled the Pavel Durov case as “exemplary” in the fight against cybercrime, highlighting the broader implications for privacy and free speech.