Pavel Durov, co-founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested on Saturday at Le Bourget airport near Paris by French authorities. Acting on behalf of the Office Mineurs (OFMIN), an agency dedicated to protecting minors, officials took Durov into custody over allegations that he has failed to prevent illegal activities on Telegram. These accusations include the exploitation of children, fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and the promotion of terrorism.
According to anonymous sources cited by Agence France-Presse (via Yahoo News), Durov’s detention has been extended beyond the initial 24-hour period. Under French law, authorities can extend detention several times—up to 96 hours—without formally charging him. By the end of this period, France will need to either charge Durov or release him.
The arrest warrant issued by OFMIN had reportedly been outstanding for some time. Speculation online varies as to why Durov would risk coming to France, fully aware of the potential consequences. Some theories suggest that Russian President Vladimir Putin may have been trying to apprehend Durov, prompting him to seek refuge in France. Others believe Durov might be deliberately provoking the situation, consistent with his history of challenging authority.
Telegram is well-known for its end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) chats and server-encrypted public “Channels,” making it a crucial tool for journalists and individuals in authoritarian regimes. However, this same anonymity also makes Telegram a platform where criminal activities, ranging from drug sales to terrorism planning and the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), can flourish.
Durov maintains that for Telegram to remain a vital resource for those using it for noble purposes, a “hands-off” approach is necessary. However, France’s OFMIN disagrees, insisting that Durov should be held accountable for the criminal activities occurring on the platform or, at the very least, be required to implement stricter moderation policies.
With around 48 hours left, French authorities must decide whether to charge Durov or release him. Durov, who was born in Russia but holds French citizenship and a French passport, could legally remain in France indefinitely if freed. Currently, Durov resides in Dubai, where Telegram is headquartered.