Vice-Premier Matteo Salvini has sharply condemned the recent arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, claiming that “Europe now reeks of censorship and regime control.” Salvini expressed his concerns following Durov’s detention in Paris, where the tech entrepreneur was apprehended by French authorities upon landing at Le Bourget airport.
The arrest, reportedly linked to accusations of insufficient content moderation on Telegram, has sparked a broader debate about freedom of expression versus criminal activity on digital platforms. Among the charges against Durov are allegations that Telegram’s lack of moderation has facilitated illegal activities, including drug trafficking, fraud, and the dissemination of child pornography.
Salvini questioned the direction Europe is heading, asking, “Who will be gagged next? The great (and inconvenient) Elon Musk?” His comments highlight growing fears about the erosion of free speech in Europe.
The arrest has also led to a viral online campaign, with the hashtag #FreePavel spreading rapidly across social media. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, echoed Salvini’s concerns, warning, “I’ll be next; these are dangerous times.”
In contrast, other Italian political figures offered different perspectives. Enrico Borghi, leader of Italia Viva’s group in the Senate, emphasized the need for Europe-wide regulation of digital platforms. He argued that the situation illustrates how digital platforms can be weaponized in hybrid warfare, stressing the importance of distinguishing between individual responsibility and platform accountability.
Giorgio Mulè, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, also weighed in, calling for a clear distinction between the protection of free speech and the prevention of criminal activities. He stressed that while freedom of expression is vital, it should not become a tool for spreading extremist propaganda or facilitating serious crimes.
The debate surrounding Durov’s arrest underscores the complex challenges of balancing free speech with security concerns in the digital age.