Telegram Rises to Top Three Most Popular Apps in France Following Pavel Durov's Arrest

Telegram has surged in popularity in France, becoming one of the top three most downloaded apps following the arrest of its founder, Pavel Durov. According to data from Appfigures, a platform that tracks app downloads, Telegram has taken the number one spot in the ‘Social Networks’ category and is ranked third overall across all apps in the country.

In the United States, Telegram’s popularity has also increased, climbing to eighth place—the highest ranking since 2023. Globally, the messenger app has seen a 4% increase in downloads, reflecting growing user interest in secure communication platforms.

The spike in downloads comes as French authorities charge Durov with 12 serious offenses, including fraud, money laundering, drug distribution, and the possession of child pornography. The charges stem from Durov’s refusal to cooperate with authorities by handing over user correspondence.

The rise in Telegram’s popularity highlights the global demand for platforms that prioritize privacy and secure communication, especially in the face of increasing government scrutiny.